Questions and Answers

Q: Who are you, anyway?

A: Cupcakes, or Cupcakes Nom in some places. I'm one of the core staff members of BroNYCon, a co-organizer of the Albany bronies, a pre-reader for Equestria Daily, a fanfic writer, and generally an okay sorta guy from what I've heard.

Q: Why is the Total on the right sidebar different from the amount donated to the Humble Indie Bundle?

A: That is a total across all Humble Bundle donations made so far. $1250 was given to the Humble Introversion Bundle and $16,005 was contributed to the Humble Indie Bundle 4.

Q: What do I do if I already bought the Humble Indie Bundle?

A: Then you've already done good, but if you are able to give a small donation to the Humble Brony Bundle to help the cause it would be greatly appreciated!

Q: Will I get copies of the Humble Indie Bundle games if I donate to you?

A: Your donation to the Humble Brony Bundle is purely to support the cause. To receive the games you should make your own separate donation to the Humble Indie Bundle. Make sure you donate at their "above the average" point so you help their worthy causes AND you get every game in the bundle!

Q:  Is this a one shot deal?

A: Nope! The Humble Brony Bundle will continue collecting and distributing charity in the name of bronies for the foreseeable future!

Q: What is the deadline?

A: There is no real deadline since all "leftover" contributions will be saved for the next Humble Indie Bundle!