Obviously we're all very familiar with the Humble Indie Bundle, but not everyone has heard of The Indie Gala yet. Here, let me help with that...
The Indie Gala has a batch of indie games up for grabs at whatever price you want to pay, and you can choose what percentage goes to the Gala, to the developers, and to charity. Which charities?
Child's Play, which as you probably know by now provides games and toys to sick children in hospitals.
Save the Children, providing humanitarian aid to children and their families in impoverished, vulnerable communities worldwide.
Right now for just $5 you can get 5 games and all bonus materials that are added as The Indie Gala meets their goals. Plus, it has the word Gala in the name! That has to be worth something, right? Right?! Right.
Don't get confused:all of these games are playable on Windows, Mac, Linux, AND Android!
The two charities this time around are the ever-popular duo of Child's Play (provides toys and video games to sick children in hospitals) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (advocates for free and equal rights on the Internet).
You can add to the Humble Brony Bundle contribution fund by clicking on the Donate link on the right side of this page; any excess donations will be saved up for the next major numbered Humble Indie Bundle (the ones that tend to go into the thousands of dollars), which will probably be coming up pretty soon!
The Elements of Charity gaming & charity mareathon was a big, big success, even more than the guys over at Ponies Live Now realized!
Between the Chip-In drive they used and direct donations to the Humble Brony Bundle since the weekend I'm attributing a total of $3043 to the Elements of Charity mareathon, with enormous thanks to Edock, Traxus, and all of those at Ponies Live Now that made this possible; thank you, guys!! So much money raised for charity and indie developers in just 24 hours!
And what's even better is that this isn't the last Elements of Charity mareathon. They're going to put on more of these in the future, with lots of wonderful charitable organizations to support! I'll be sure to report about each and every one I hear about.
We're less than a day away from the Ponies Live Now! 24-hour gaming mareathon "Elements of Charity," starting at 12PM PST tomorrow. They'll be playing NES/SNES games and giving away lots and LOTS of prizes, all while collecting donations to benefit the Humble Brony Bundle; an incredibly big THANK YOU goes out to Ponies Live Now! and their marethon hosts Edock and TraxusV for making this happen!
So, besides gaming AND charity, why else should you show up? Special guests, of course! I've been invited to swing by, but they have SPECIAL guests lined up: musician RainbowCrash88 of Fighting is Magic and 8-Bit ponies fame, talented comedic flash animator MrPoniator, renowned comic artist Veggie55, and fandom Derpy voice artist BaldDumboRat will all be making appearances, plus more!
You can click here to see what they'll be playing and a partial list of what they'll be giving away.