Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ponies at Play Art Contest; Contributions exceed $3500!

In gratitude and recognition for the money bronies have raised for charity and indie gaming the Humble Indie Bundle has reached out to us with some free goodies! So, announcing...

The Equestria Daily "Ponies at Play" Art Contest!
Submit new art of ponies playing video games to cuppitycupcakes@gmail.com with "Ponies at Play" in the subject by Friday, December 2nd at 9PM EST / 6PM PST! Make sure to include a "Source" link if you want a link back to your art gallery of choice!

All of the pictures will be put up on Equestria Daily for voting over the weekend and the top ten will each receive a key to the current bundle in "gift" form. This means that even if you've purchased the bundle you can gift it to a friend!

BIG thanks to both the Humble Indie Bundle for providing us the keys and Sethisto and the other blogponies at Equestria Daily for hosting the event!

In additionally glorious news, we have now gathered over $3500 for charity and indie gaming! No healthy competition has arisen on the Humble Indie Bundle top contributors so it looks like we're going to have a really good running start on the next Bundle with an immediate donation of over $2300. Way to go, guys, way to go! :D

Friday, November 25, 2011

Humble Brony Bundle on Twitter + contributions exceed $3000!

At the very sound recommendations of some intelligent individuals the Humble Brony Bundle now has a Twitter account, and that account has been used as the name for our contribution on the Humble Indie Bundle site. This should make it easier for people to find out what we're all about.

And, my first Twitter announcement was to mention the wonderful news that we're now over $3000 in donations! As of this moment we're just over $3059 in donations!

Just a quick, awesome note: if you Google Humble Brony Bundle you can already see all the many places that people have taken the time to mention us, and I can see in the site traffic that it makes a difference. Yes, Equestria Daily is the single biggest referral point, but everyone else adds up to LOTS of traffic, so thank you! Keep it up!

Lastly, I've been in some communication with a friendly face at the Humble Bundle and they've given us a boon in honor of all the efforts you've put forth. I'll have more news on that as it develops...

Humble Indie Bundle Twitter shout-out!

The official Twitter news feed for the Humble Indie Bundle has given a shout-out to all of you, the bronies who have been donating your money and effort to make this little idea grow into a rousing success! And he's right to thank you; that little idea would have been nothing without all of you, so you have my thanks as well!

Humble Brony Bundle on Facebook; Totals now visible

There is now a Humble Brony Bundle Facebook page for all you happy Facebookers to go and Like vigorously! There's also a little Like button here on the site below the Donate button.

And beneath THAT you can now see a running total of donations and when that number was last updated. Keep in mind that this is manually updated, so you can't watch it trickle up as people donate; sorry!

Also, please note that this is the TOTAL contributed, not current remaining funds in the account. $1250 of the visible number has already been paid to the Humble Indie Bundle to keep us at our current number one spot. The "Current Total" area is just so you can see how much we could donate all at once if we had to, in order to stay the top contributor on the list. Remember, all leftover funds will be retained for the next Bundle!

So, what now? TLDR: Keep donating! Keep spreading the news!

Now that we're Number One on the Top Contributors on the Humble Indie Bundle site... what now?

You might be wondering if we should stop raising funds now. The answer is an emphatic eeNOPE! And why not?

  • When someone like Notch (developer of Minecraft) shows up and drops a $4096 donation it's going to mean that we need another $1500 than we currently have available to stay on top.

  • This was just our first go at the Humble Indie Bundle. In all honesty, I was expecting to get in the top five if we were lucky, and we could build up some publicity and make a real stab at the top next time. You guys blew that idea away in less than a day. I love you guys... So, what this means is we'll make ~$250 incremental donations to stay at the top as necessary, but all left over funds are going to be used in the next Humble Indie Bundle. And supposedly the next one is the next BIG one, the  "Humble Indie Bundle #4," which will have a lot more developers and even more buzz hanging around it than this one did.

  • And, of course, don't forget where all this money is going, to the good causes that the Humble Indie Bundle supports. That's what's most important, and that's where your donations go, so now isn't the time to stop!

So keep it up, everypony! Remember, we're still not even a full day into the real meat of the campaign... Let's see what we can really do at full steam ahead!

The Morning After...

You all may be interested to know that when I woke up the total contributions had reached...

(pause for dramatic effect...)


As you can imagine I've been smiling ever since. I hate to sound like a broken record, but all of you generous souls have earned my endless gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :D

So where are we now?

A) I've placed our initial payment of $1250 on the Humble Indie Bundle, putting us at the current top contributor!

B) We can continue to increase this donation as necessary to remain at the top.

Thank you very much to Humble Indie Bundle chat support member Johannes for bringing this functionality to my attention!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Answering some important questions!

EDIT 3: Updated the first question; there IS no deadline now!

EDIT 2: We just broke $700! Yes, that's right, over $700 raised for incredibly worthy causes! I'm beyond thrilled, you guys... I'm so grateful to be part of such an incredible fandom!

EDIT: We've almost hit $500 in just 90 minutes of being announced on EqD thanks to all of you!! Thank you so much!

I'd like to answer two very important questions!

Q: What is the deadline?

A: EDIT: Due to the fact that we can update the current donation on the Humble Indie Bundle site there IS no deadline! The current bundle ends on December 6, but all left over funds will be used on the NEXT Humble Indie Bundle so at the very least the "deadline" is the end of the next Humble Indie Bundle IF that ends up being our last.

Q: What's the current total / How much more to go / What are the chances this is going to work?

A: Considering we just broke $200 it's not a matter of IF this is going to work, but a question of how much we together can raise for charity, DRM-free indie gaming, and the Humble Indie Bundle itself! If enough of us can work together we can actually burst through into the top five, or top three... What the hay, let's shoot for number one!

Humble Brony Bundle featured on Equestria Daily!

The Humble Brony Bundle would like to thank the blog ponies for featuring us on Equestria Daily! Specifically, I want to express my personal gratitude to Cereal Velocity for taking the time to check us out and give a kind word specifically stating that we're a worthy cause!

Not only that, but we want to thank the generous readers of EqD who have already reached out to support our cause! For those of you who are unable to donate... it's okay! Not everyone can. Instead, if you could please take just a few minutes to spread the word you'll be doing a lot of good. Thank you for your time and generosity!